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Brasil GamiCon48V 2024

Tinkers & Thinkers:

GamiCon4V runs for 48 CONSECUTIVE hours!
(Feb 29 at 6:00 p.m. CST - Mar 2 at 6:00 p.m. CST).


Fueling the Revolution of Gamified Enlightenment

The only online event that is for the design and delivery of gamified and game-based learning for corporate training, adult learning, employee engagement, and behavior change.

Traverse the cobbled streets of a digital cityscape where the grandeur of Victorian elegance meets the sharp edge of artificial cognition. GamiCon48V proudly presents a steam-driven odyssey fueled by the world's brightest minds and the limitless possibilities of AI.

This exclusive 100% gamified experience will guide you through gamifying your learning programs. As gears turn and codes run, empower yourself to revolutionize learning.

All sessions are delivered in English. Register now for a journey like no other!