Marloes Berkers

Empowering employees through fun, educational games for transformative learning and development.

Marloes is the founder of Thrivelop and is a learning specialist. Her mission is to make learning fun again. She develops serious(ly fun) games for organizations to train their employees, mostly in mental health. Her expertise is in guiding organizations to find the core of the learning issue and to keep the focus on maximizing the learning effect within the development of serious games. She achieves this by ensuring that the content meets the needs of the target audience in their daily lives. They almost(!) forget that they are learning when they play these impactful games.


Chill Your Stress Chicken: How Teams Become Stress Resilient in the Workplace

Are you up for the challenge to chill your stress chicken? In this session you will engage in an example of how games can address mental health issues in organizations, like stress and burnout. This example is a blended educational game to help teams of employees become more resilient to stress in their workplace. In this session, you will discover a unique way in which you influence your character in the game to gain insight into what influences your own energy (and stress) level.

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