Sudip Joshy

Exploring the dynamic convergence of technology, education, and psychology.

Sudip Joshy, a filmmaker since 2004, has ventured far from his academic roots in Computer Application and Business Economics, embracing his passion for storytelling and film. Introduced to filmmaking early on by his director father, Sudip deepened his expertise with a Film Making Masters from EICAR in Paris and a Masters in Psychology from Indira Gandhi University, India. His diverse background converged in gamification, a field he explored through courses from MIT and other universities. As the Content Head at Fifth Sparrow and co-founder of Resorcio, Sudip revolutionizes content delivery. His latest venture, Talmid, combines gamification with Bible-based education, showcasing his unique blend of storytelling, technology, and psychology. Sudip also leads seminars and sessions, sharing his insights and expertise in this innovative field.


Cultivating Personal Growth: Gamified E-Learning and Virtual Reality's Impact on Behavior and Personality

Imagine a world where learning feels like an epic adventure, where the boundaries of reality blur, and personal growth becomes a thrilling game. Get ready to unlock the secrets of gamified e-learning and virtual reality, where transformation meets excitement. Join this immersive session that explores how the dynamic fusion of gamification and virtual reality can revolutionize personal growth and behavior enhancement. Uncover the thrilling potential of these technologies to transform individuals into their best selves.

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