Javier Velasquez

GamiCon 2019 Thowdown Winner of Award forĀ 
Best Overall Use of Gamification in Adult Learning

Javier Velasquez studied Literature and a Master's in Literature at Universidad de los Andes in Colombia. His professional studies helped him understand how to analyze media in a systemic way, as his main concerns were interdisciplinary studies. Since 2012 he shifted towards game design and founded a board game publisher, Azahar Games. In 2013 he assisted the GSummit and started making researchĀ on game design and gamification. Alongside his sister, Ana MarĆ­a Velasquez, a PhD in Human Development and Motivation, they started working on a Gamification framework (BEM) that used the idea of feedback and intrinsic motivation in its core. This framework has been validated in different fields, like innovation, human resources, loyalty campaigns, and specially in education, which is a big part of their intrinsicĀ motivation. Javier sees Gamification not as a tool of design, but as a field with paradigms and objects of study that go beyond the use of standardized mechanics.


Breaking Biases Through Gamification: Incentivizing Slow Thought

To better learn, our brains require focus, but also the motivation to think slowly. While regular video game mechanics incentivize quick reaction times and learning through trial and error, when we have to break a bias to actually learn a new skill, we need different techniques that ensure that the learner is willing to do the hard process of unlearning before re-learning. Watch this session to learn how you can help your learners rewire their brains to fight their own biases through game mechanics.

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