The Gamification Report Blog

Awards and Motivation adult learning gamification motivation narrative Aug 24, 2018

A lot has been written about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in popular books and articles, but scientists are not so sure such a differentiation exists. There is no part of the brain dedicated to extrinsic awards and another part that comes from within. Dopamine, for instance, is released,...

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Four Types of Gamification for Learning adult learning business objectives corporate training e-learning gamification Jan 27, 2018

With a nod to Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle, it’s important to know WHY we are gamifying a program or process before we begin to actually gamify it. If I could anticipate what he would say (at least a few years ago) about the WHY of gamification, I believe Sinek would say our WHY will...

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Gamification Simplified game design gamification motivation Jun 19, 2017

Gamification is the use of game elements and game-design techniques in non-game contexts. Let me break that down.

Game Elements:  Think of game elements as a toolkit for building a game. Game elements include game pieces, avatars, rules, scoring points, proceeding to the next level,...

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What Uber Can Teach Us About Engagement adult learning behavioral science gamification motivation Apr 03, 2017

What Uber Can Teach Us About Engagement

by Jonathan Peters, PhD


In an effort to continue the piling-on of Uber Technologies, The New York Times published an article that is critical of Uber’s use of “psychological tricks” to “manipulate” people to drive at...

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Why Apply Gamification adult learning corporate training gamification instructional design Dec 28, 2016

Let’s face it, gamifying a training takes a lot of extra work. It’s easy to deliver information in a lecture. Shouldn’t it be the participant’s responsibility to take our information, remember it, and apply it? After all, they are adults. Why is it our responsibility to...

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Gamification Challenge: Dollarize It! - ROI vs. ROE adult learning business objectives corporate training gamification motivation Dec 13, 2016

It’s probably no surprise to you, but investing in employees pays off.
Learning opportunities result in higher levels of employee promotion, retention, satisfaction, skills and knowledge, and this translates to better organizational performance. In fact, research shows the more a company...

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5 Things You Should Know About Gamification adult learning corporate training gamification instructional design motivation Nov 26, 2016

As a business owner, leader, manager, HR or talent development professional, you can learn how to create fun and rewarding gamified experiences to achieve the business objectives that are crucial for the success and profitability of your organization. But you’ll have to begin with a...

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