The Gamification Report Blog
Monica Cornetti, President, Sententia, Inc
We all know that stories are a great way to engage an audience, yet it seems so few people actually study and use the tool in a manner that truly impacts their audience.
So what does it actually take to create a story that is not only engaging but...
When Foreigner’s song Juke Box Hero plays, I’m instantly transported to a camp meeting in British Columbia when I was 14. It was the first time I kissed a girl with braces. Her older sister had a driver’s license and was playing Foreigner while driving us away from the...
by Jonathan Peters, PhD
Chief Motivation Officer
Probably because of my sense of humor, or maybe because I have a high motivation for Curiosity, but the game mechanic of Easter eggs is one of my favorites.
For readers unfamiliar with the use of the term (not the eggs you painted as a child),...
Monica Cornetti, MS-EDE
A great deal of research has concluded that play-based learning is genuinely and positively impactful on learning and development, and one can argue that humans learn best when at least one of these four provisions are present and that learners:
- Take an active...
Monica Cornetti, MS-EDE
As a Gamification Designer for adult learning programs, along with SMEs and the Instructional Design Team, you will plan the elements and create the blueprint or player journey of the course. These elements include instructional objectives, assessment...
By intentional design, the Sententia Gamification Level 3 Master Craftsman Certification is a 3-day Pirate Themed, immersive Master Mind event. From the location, to the food, scheduling of master mind vs. creative time, extra-curricular activities, and even the room set up, all are strategically...
This week we started a NEW virtual session of our Level 1 Gamification Surveyor Certification. Students in this session are logging in from all over the globe and the interaction is always lively and fun.
Although the virtual format allows students to participate from anywhere, one big...