The Gamification Report Blog

Virtual Meals to Form a Magic Circle of Creativity, Challenge, and Collaboration behavioral science game design gamification motivation Jun 12, 2021

With live events, we enter a magic circle that is difficult to replicate with virtual events, (as you know as you’ve attended numerous online meetings, classes, and events this past 18 months).

We’ve done a ton of research and found that a combination of platforms allows us to...

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Backward Day - Is it Time to Rip Up the Rule Book? behavioral science business objectives game design gamification motivation Jan 31, 2021

Backward Day is a fun day that encourages us to do things in an order that we would not usually do them. For example, we just ate dessert for dinner. A wonderful reversal of fortune. An unexpected eruption of hot chocolate and ice cream from an innocuous offering on the menu labeled simply as a...

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It's National Puzzle Day behavioral science game design gamification motivation Jan 29, 2021

Puzzles are often overlooked by the gamification community. Let's use this day to think about adding puzzles into our programs. 

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What Haunted Houses Can Teach Us About Adult Learning Design behavioral science game design gamification motivation narrative Oct 31, 2020

by Jonathan Peters, PhD
Chief Motivation Officer, Sententia Gamification

“It’s not gross; it’s slime.” the goblin kept saying as he touched our faces with something while we were bottle-necked in a dark, tight hallway. We were a group of undergrads giggling through our fear...

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Beach, Beer, and Bra(u)ts behavioral science gamification motivation Jul 03, 2020

by Jonathan Peters, PhD
Chief Motivation Officer, Sententia Gamification

Remember back before the Virus? How did you spend summer holidays?  

For many people, summer celebration and recreation involve the family—specifically, their children. They can’t understand why you...

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The Surprise and Delight of Continual Learningā€¦ adult learning behavioral science game design gamification instructional design motivation Jun 27, 2020

by Jonathan Peters, PhD
Chief Motivation Officer, Sententia Gamification

I spoke at the Irish Game-Based Learning Conference this morning. Believe me, I would rather have been there in person if for no other reason than to be on their time zone (waking at 4:00 AM to speak does not fit my...

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The Trouble with Pirates behavioral science e-learning game design gamification motivation narrative Jun 19, 2020

By intentional design, the Sententia Gamification Level 3 Master Craftsman Certification is a 3-day Pirate Themed, immersive Master Mind event. From the location, to the food, scheduling of master mind vs. creative time, extra-curricular activities, and even the room set up, all are strategically...

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