The Gamification Report Blog

What is Your Competitive Advantage? adult learning corporate training Oct 16, 2022

What is your most significant competitive advantage?

Henry Ford once said, “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it.”

Today the only significant differentiator for you, your career, and your success in relationships, health,...

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Most of the Things You Worry About NEVER Happen! adult learning behavioral science corporate training motivation Oct 13, 2022

My previous post, The Problem with the F Word, explored the self-fulfilling fear cycle and self-limiting beliefs that trap you and keep you from moving there.

In the book Habits Die Hard, authors Anderson and Murphy reference a practice from Buddhist teacher, James Barasz, that...

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The Problem with the F Word adult learning behavioral science corporate training Oct 11, 2022

by Monica Cornetti
President, Sententia Inc

Have you ever thought about the gap between where you are and where you want to be? How big is that gap? 

Have you discovered what that gap is? Typically, it’s the risk you haven't taken.

What keeps you from crossing that gap? It’s that...

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What are Learner Personas and Why Should You Create Them? adult learning corporate training instructional design motivation Oct 09, 2022

Learner Personas are fictional characters, created based upon your research to represent the different learners that will take your training or use your employee engagement tool. Creating personas helps you, the designer, and your team to understand learner's needs, pain points,...

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What Do You Know About the Esports Phenomena? adult learning game design gamification motivation Sep 14, 2022

Stats You Don’t Know BUT Your Learners Do

In the past decade, competitive gaming has experienced a meteoric rise in popular culture and economic value.

Esports is the fastest growing sport in the country, and colleges have begun to respond to that demand by offering scholarships for varsity...

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Gestures in Learning behavioral science instructional design Sep 05, 2022

When I met Lillian, she was just beginning to experiment with her first words, but she had been communicating via sign language for months. She not only expressed her needs and wants, but also how she felt about situations long before she could express such terms verbally. 

Gestures are our...

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Movement and Learning Sep 04, 2022

by Jonathan Peters, PhD

Mrs. Van Etten’s second-grade class was stressful for me. Our desks were precisely placed in exact rows, where we sat for long stretches in silence. The slightest wiggle would draw her scathing stare. And the tension both internally and within the room would increase...

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